On this page I'll include links to other sites that have to do with model trains. Let me know if you'd like your site posted on here. If you notice any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites! www.ogaugerr.com Here is site of O Gauge Railroading. They even have previews of the next issue of the magazine! And you've got to check out the forum. There's a lot of good pointers on building your pike there.
Here's another forum member. Please, check out his site. His trolleys will put a smile on anyone's face! www.lots-trains.org Here is the Lionel Operating Train Society. They have a lot of information on it, and it would be good to see. Oh, yes, it has been updated and completely remodeled. www.jlmtrains.com Here's the site of Joseph L. Mania. He reproduces some very old Lionel trains. His site also honors the 1949 Lionel Showroom Layout. It is a must see website! www.davestrains.com This site is like a Lionel postwar encyclopedia! It has a lot of information on most of all postwar Lionel. If you need to research a Lionel from the Postwar Era, this is the way to go! 
www.tamr.org/mattrain Check out Matt's site! It's been recently updated with all sorts of new reviews, and cool sound features! Guaranteed, this page is going to bring lots of enjoyment!

www.tamr.org/PRSLou Visit another of my friends from the OGR forum. Gauranteed, you'll really enjoy this web page!